Blogs & Opinions
ICL and Environmental Protection Symposium: The Environmental Crisis–Cases for ‘Particular Consideration’ at the ICC
Jun 1, 2020
Richard J. Rogers
In a world consumed by the pandemic, it is easy to forget an even greater threat facing mankind – the environmental and climate emergency. The UN…
Symposium on the Use of International Criminal Law to Protect the Environment
Jun 1, 2020
Kate Mackintosh
Despite the brief drop in emissions at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic last month, the climate crisis continues to present one of the greatest…
Ethiopia’s Renaissance Dam: A Last Chance for Diplomacy
Jun 1, 2020
Yaseen Mohmad Abdalla
The dispute between Egypt and Sudan on the one side, and Ethiopia on the other, about filling and operating the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)…
Time to Move Beyond Yemen’s SAFER Oil Tanker Blame Game
Jun 1, 2020
Doug Weir
The SAFER Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) terminal is a forty-year-old single hulled supertanker moored 7km off the coast of Yemen. Since the Houthis took…
Colombia’s Environment in the Post-Conflict Transition – New Setbacks by the Global Pandemic
May 31, 2020
Torsten Krause, Ana Maria Vargas Falla, Britta Sjöstedt, Sandra Valencia, and Fariborz Zelli
In 2016, Colombia officially emerged from one of the world’s longest internal armed conflicts when the government, under former President Juan Manual Santos, signed a…
The Implications of Israel Annexation Plan of Jordan Valley
May 30, 2020
Ayman Matar
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has revived an old Zionist ambition to annex Jerusalem, the Golan Heights and the Jordan Valley region, planned by the…
Industries Post-COVID-19: A Gender-Responsive Approach to Global Economic Recovery
May 28, 2020
Cecila Ugaz Estrada, Müge Dolun, Carmen Schuber, and Nicolas Schmidt
What most crises have in common is that they hit the most vulnerable and marginalized populations—among which women are disproportionally represented—the hardest. The impact of…
Exploring Environmental Harm from Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas
May 28, 2020
Roos Boer and Wim Zwijnenburg
In conflicts around the world, the use of explosive weapons in populated areas (EWIPA) is one of the greatest risks to civilians. Research by the…
Overview: Fear and Loathing in the Eastern Mediterranean
May 28, 2020
Asli Aydıntaşbaş, Julien Barnes-Dacey, Cinzia Bianco, Hugh Lovatt, and Tarek Megerisi
In a world of pandemics, forever wars, and great power showdowns, it might come as a surprise that Europe’s next crisis is emerging from disputes…
Mother Nature Gets Tired Too - How Women Carry the Burden of Addressing Climate Change
May 27, 2020
Eyitayo Kunle-Oladosu
In dealing with the effects of climate change in the Global South, it seems the world has tasked women with building resilient and adaptable communities.…
Building Sustainable Peace: Transforming Environmental Peacebuilding in Times of Climate Change
May 27, 2020
Christie Nicoson and Barbara Magalhaes Teixeira
The Sustainable Development Goals outline a “shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future”. However, this is not only…
COVID-19's Disproportionate Impact on Women and Girls
May 26, 2020
Jenn Williamson
Because women and girls are already socioeconomically marginalized in many societies, they are especially vulnerable in emergencies. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, women…
Afghan Gold Mining: Is Blockchain a Solution for Violence and Volatility?
May 25, 2020
Manasee Joshi
Centar Ltd, a company that engaged in Afghan gold exploration and mining activities, was the brainchild of the former investment banker and mining trader from…
Climate Change Adaptation and Gender Dynamics
May 24, 2020
Saudia Anwer and Meer Ahsan Habib
Lack of access to safe drinking water and salinity often causes water-borne diseases like diarrhoea and malaria, not only among the children but also the…
Land and Resource Investment Consultations in the Time of COVID-19: The Hazards of Pressing on
May 24, 2020
Sam Szoke-Burke
Communities in countries as diverse as the Philippines, Liberia, and Colombia are experiencing increased pressures on their lands and resources. Pressure is coming from governments…
Epidemics, Conflict, and Gold: What We Can Learn from DC’s Ebola Outbreak as We Respond to COVID-19
May 22, 2020
Kady Seguin and Alan Martin
The COVID-19 pandemic is spotlighting the vulnerability of the world’s poorest during a time of crisis. This is especially evident in artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) communities,…
10 Lessons From the COVID-19 Frontline For a More Gender-Equal World
May 22, 2020
Katja Iversen
Evidence shows that disease outbreak affects women and men differently, that pandemics exacerbate inequalities for girls and women, who are also often the hardest hit,…
Lack of Flood Maps at Many U.S. Military Bases Creates Risks
May 22, 2020
Marc Kodack
In the 2020 NDAA, Congress further required that DoD include in its’ installation master plans a discussion of risks and threats that included those from extreme…
Exploring Environmental Governance in Eastern Ukraine
May 21, 2020
Olga Shashkina
What happens to environmental governance in areas where governments lose control during conflicts? Non-state actors can fill the vacuum but little is known about how…
Women's Empowerment in Agriculture is Essential to COVID-19 Survival and Recovery
May 20, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic presents a devastating threat to lives and livelihoods around the world. Many development organizations and research institutions are raising their voices and…
The Energy Sector Needs a Stronger Female Presence
May 19, 2020
Nevelyn Black
Globally, women made up 15% of senior management roles in the power and utilities industry last year. Some industry leaders believe a stronger female presence and voice in…
Climate Change Didn’t Pause for COVID-19: Implications for Military Readiness
May 18, 2020
Joan VanDervort
As COVID-19 continues to hammer the nation, approximately 61,900 Department of Defense (DoD) personnel (45,600 of which are made up of National Guard) have been…
The Pandemic's Gender Imperative
May 15, 2020
Ann Linde and Arancha Gonzalez
Regardless of where one looks, it is women who bear most of the responsibility for holding societies together, be it at home, in health care,…
Empowering Women and Youth for Transformative Climate and Environment Justice
May 14, 2020
Tracy Kajumba
At the beginning of March, Tracy Kajumba was a panellist at the OECD Global Forum on Environment. Here she reflects further on how women and…
Our Recovery from the Coronavirus Crisis Must Have Gender Empowerment at its Heart
May 14, 2020
Cecilia Ugaz Estrada, Müge Dolun, Carmen Schuber, and Nicolas Schmidt
What most crises have in common is that they hit the most vulnerable and marginalized populations—among which women are disproportionally represented—the hardest. The impact of…
Libya's Forgotten Half: Between Conflict and Pandemic, Women Pay the Higher Price
May 14, 2020
Asma Khalifa
Immediately after the state of emergency was declared in Libya, the government in Tripoli began dispensing funds intended to combat the pandemic. Half of it…
AU Leadership Absent From Egypt and Ethiopia Dam Dispute
May 14, 2020
Alvin Young
After years of negotiations, Egypt has written to the UN Security Council about what it considers to be Ethiopia's failure to reach an agreement over the filling…
Women: The Climate Solution We Need to Talk About
May 12, 2020
Joky François
Women make up nearly half of the agricultural labor force in developing nations—yet in many countries they can’t even own the land on which they toil;…
Securing Pathways to Environmental Justice for Indigenous Women
May 11, 2020
Laura Cahier
Across the Americas, Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), such as the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) or the World Bank (WB), finance public and private projects to…
Water Fetching Responsibilities Reveal Unequal Gender Dynamics: Elevates Need for Expansion of On-Site WASH Facilities
May 10, 2020
Women in low-income households have limited access to financial services and educational opportunities, which in turn restricts their ability to tap into the labor market…