Blogs & Opinions
Gender Equity and Climate Change Have More in Common Than You Think
Jul 14, 2020
Katica Roy
Gender equity is a lot like climate change. It’s a horizontally-integrated issue that largely exists inside a vertically-integrated policy framework. Now is the time to change…
The United States Needs a Natural Security Strategy to Regain Our Global Leadership
Jul 13, 2020
Sherri Goodman and Johan Bergenas
The COVID-19 pandemic is rapidly reshaping global economic, security and diplomatic conditions. In only a few months, we found ourselves in a new normal because…
A Dashboard Overview: Gender Inequality and the COVID-19 Crisis
Jul 13, 2020
Carolina Rivera, Yu-Chieh Hsu, Fernanda Pavez Esbry, and Esuna Dugarova
The human development crisis unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic is putting the fight for gender equality at risk. The immediate effects of COVID-19 are already…
Myanmar’s Jade-Rich Hpakant Caught in a ‘Winner’s Curse’
Jul 13, 2020
Joe Kumbun
Natural resources are bestowed by the Earth and seem a blessing for human beings. However, an abundance of natural resources is not necessarily a blessing…
The Power of Women on Pathways to Net-Zero Emissions
Jul 9, 2020
Linda Coady
When we think about transforming our energy systems, we need to make sure that transformation happens in a way that is not only innovative and…
Mainstreaming Gender When Incorporating Advanced Technology In Agriculture
Jul 8, 2020
Novela Acharya
With the globalization, massive technological advancement has been observed which has revolutionized the whole world and transformed our daily lives. This digital revolution has not…
Why Investing in Women's Land Rights Helps Overall Gender Equality
Jul 7, 2020
Karol Boudreaux
It is depressing, discouraging, infuriating – pick your word – to see the scale and scope of abuse and discrimination aimed at women and girls…
Egypt and Ethiopia: The Curse of the Nile
Jul 7, 2020
Marina Ottaway
A slow-motion crisis has been developing in the Nile Valley since the Ethiopian government announced the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on…
Countdown to a Bitter Battle Over the Water of the Nile?
Jul 6, 2020
Ricard González
In the 1990s, after the collapse of the USSR, the idea that water would drive the wars of the future took hold among analysts and…
Depopulating Military Installations Because of Sea Level Rise
Jul 6, 2020
Marc Kodack
In case you missed it, an audit of the U.S. Department of Defense’s installation climate resilience from last year, conducted by the Government Accountability Office, found that…
Exploitation Of The Environment In War Or Armed Conflict Is Inevitable; Three Case Studies Including Gaza Strip, Yemen, And Iraq
Jul 2, 2020
George Stacey
Any kind of war or armed conflict is a miserable thing as it kills numbers of innocent civilians. Conflict destroys communities, cultures, infrastructure, and most…
Unlocking the Biggest Resource We Have to Fight COVID-19 and Climate Change: Women in STEMM
Jul 2, 2020
Anna Madlener and Natalie Unterstell
In times of the Covid-19 outbreak, social isolation is illuminating the gender gap perhaps like never before. Just count how many online “manels’’ (a panel…
Climate Change, Disease and the Legitimacy of Armed Non-State Actors
Jul 1, 2020
Farah Hegazi
To many, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic came as a surprise. It has placed enormous strain on governments to contain the spread of the…
Disasters Meet Political Unrest, Displacing Millions in East Africa
Jul 1, 2020
Clémentine André, Ivana Hajzmanova, and Maria Teresa Miranda Espinosa
In recent weeks, our news channels have been flooded with stories about the Covid-19 pandemic, political and social unrest around the world, natural hazards upending…
The Coffee Crisis in Colombia
Jun 30, 2020
Yanis Iqbal
With the unabated march of the Covid-19 pandemic, the economic situation of Colombian coffee farmers is rapidly deteriorating. The price of Arabica coffee has reduced to an…
Three Cheers for the Power, Promise of Gender Equity in Agriculture
Jun 29, 2020
Denise E. Antonio
We need the talents and energy of both men and women to power this sector and contribute to Jamaica's economy — an economy which must…
Gender and Climate – Scaling Impact with a Cross-Cutting Agenda
Jun 29, 2020
Ting Nan Wang
Today, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the destructive nature of global crises without immediate resolutions. Likewise, the effects of climate change are slated to be…
In Guatemala, Investing in Indigenous Women's Economic Empowerment is Key to Building Back Better After COVID-19
Jun 29, 2020
Since March 2020, Guatemala has recorded more than 600 COVID-19 deaths and over 11,000 infections. Amidst this crisis, indigenous women have continued to use their…
Prioritizing Gender Equality in Post COVID-19 Tourism
Jun 27, 2020
Jennifer Musson
Covid-19 has had an unprecedented impact on tourism with the UNWTO anticipating a 60-80% decline in international tourism. The crisis has laid bare structural inequalities…
COVID-19 Impact on Agriculture and Food Security: Regional Perspective
Jun 27, 2020
Centre of Excellence on Emerging Development Perspectives
Even before COVID-19 hit the world, more than 820 million people were already struggling with hunger and 2 billion people were malnourished. At the end of 2019,…
Op-ed: Build Back Better: Women at the Centre of Decision-Making
Jun 26, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our world and our world view, deepening pre-existing inequalities, and exposing vulnerabilities in social, political, and economic systems. Across every…
Water Sharing Tensions Between Iran and Afghanistan Still High as Droughts Ease
Jun 24, 2020
Phoebe Sleet
Both Iran and Afghanistan have suffered from prolonged droughts over the last several years. In Afghanistan, the worst drought in decades directly affected two-thirds of the country in 2018-19. Around ten…
The Gender Dimension of Sustainable Development
Jun 24, 2020
Michael Fitzpatrick
Despite the recent ravages of plague, war, and pestilence, we humans still excel in one unceasing task — breeding. So much so, humanity is on…
Water Sharing Tensions Between Iran and Afghanistan Still High as Droughts Ease
Jun 24, 2020
Phoebe Sleet
Both Iran and Afghanistan have suffered from prolonged droughts over the last several years. In Afghanistan, the worst drought in decades directly affected two-thirds of the country in 2018-19. Around ten…
Water Wars: The Pandemic’s Great Power Competition at Sea
Jun 24, 2020
Sean Quirk
As the world continues its fight against the coronavirus, the U.S. and Chinese militaries are testing each other’s limits in the Indo-Pacific region. Beijing is…
How Can Extractive Sector Laws and Policies Contribute to Gender Equality?
Jun 23, 2020
What do governments and international organizations mean when they say that they aim to advance gender equity in the context of natural resource governance? Many governments…
Conflict, Conservation, and Cooperation Across the India-Bhutan Border
Jun 22, 2020
Umika Chanana
In the article, Dr. Anwesha Dutta construes the evolution of separatist movements that stimulates the unbridled extraction of forest resources, impacting the lives and livelihood of…
Reports Highlight the Need for Further Consideration of Gender, Climate, and Security Linkages
Jun 22, 2020
Magdalena Baranowska
In a recent Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) paper, Elizabeth Seymour Smith, a Research Assistant with SIPRI’s Climate Change and Risk Programme, explores the intersection of…
Environmental Peacebuilding in the Middle East: The Bridge between Climate and Conflict
Jun 19, 2020
Madelyn Evans
In recent years, environmental challenges such as climate change, water scarcity, food security, and land degradation have increased competition over resources in the Levant. Environmentalist peacebuilders in…
Climate Change as a Security Risk: How Germany Should Address Climate Change at the UNSC
Jun 19, 2020
Ariana Barrenechea, Sophia Christina Tomany, and Teslin Maria Augustine, with contributions from Abhishek Raj, John Chrysostom Kamoga, Nadja Macherey, Sonia Ran, and Varad Vatsal
How can Germany address climate change as a global security risk and make it a top priority of the UNSC? This is the question that…