Investments in Women, Peace and Security Agenda Vital ‘for Preventing Conflict, Achieving Sustainable, Inclusive Peace’, Senior Official Tells Security Council

Dec 3, 2024 | UN News
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Amid an era of conflict and violence, the Security Council and the international community at large must include women and girl peacebuilders in discussions at the highest levels, engage with them at the local levels and provide adequate financial support to help ensure the success of their efforts, delegates heard today during the 15-member organ’s briefing on intergenerational leadership on women, peace and security.

“Intergenerational dialogues are critical opportunities for building trust and articulating shared aspirations,” said Rosemary DiCarlo, Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, pointing to rising violence, growing geopolitical contestation and diversifying threats to peace and security.  “Amid these crises, young women peacebuilders are demonstrating that a better world is possible,” she underscored, spotlighting the brave efforts of Malala Yousafzai from Pakistan, Greta Thunberg from Sweden and Ilwad Elman from Somalia in “bucking the status quo”.

Stressing that “peace cannot be achieved through deals made by elites alone”, she said the international community must embrace new approaches to cultivate a new generation of leaders — especially young women and girls — who are at the forefront of reshaping power structures and advancing peace.  Facilitating dialogues, fostering inclusive peace processes and investing in young women’s leadership are three key areas in advancing intergenerational leadership, she emphasized.