United States: Transnational/International Security (Associate or Full Professor)

Aug 11, 2014 | American University

The School of International Service (SIS) at American University (AU) invites applications for two full-time, tenure-line positions at the rank of Assistant Professor and Associate or full Professor beginning August 1, 2015.  Applicants should possess a Ph.D. or the highest equivalent degree in a relevant discipline by August 2015.

We seek scholar-teachers whose work is theoretically grounded, empirically tested, and policy relevant. Candidates should demonstrate excellence in research and teaching and a commitment to university service.  Candidates should also share the School’s commitment to diversity.

We seek candidates with a focus on transnational or international security, with interest in scholars across areas such as: the sources of transnational conflict, the resolution and prevention of transnational conflicts, and post-conflict reconstruction.  Candidates may be focused on nontraditional security issues including cyber conflicts; conflicts within states or involving non-state actors; and the roles of religion, energy, and/or the environment; or more traditional topics such as interstate war and alliances. As a school that includes a diversity of scholarly disciplines and approaches, we are seeking the best candidates without respect to a particular discipline.

  • Assistant Professor:  Interested candidates should submit a letter of intent, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, recent teaching evaluations (when possible), and copies of recent published papers or working papers. Please submit applications via: apply.interfolio.com/25402
  • Associate or full Professor: Depending on qualifications, the appointee to this position may be recommended for tenure at the time of hiring.  Interested candidates should submit a letter of intent and curriculum vitae. Please submit applications via: apply.interfolio.com/25433

Salary and benefits are competitive.  Review of applications will begin September 15 and will continue until the position is filled. Please submit applications for the Assistant Professor position via: apply.interfolio.com/25402. Applications for the Associate or full Professor position should be submitted via: apply.interfolio.com/25433. Please include the documents required for each position (as listed in the above bullet). Applications are strongly preferred in electronic format.  Non-electronic applications should be addressed to:     

            Chair, Transnational/International Security Search Committee
            c/o Jennifer Napolitano, Faculty Affairs Coordinator
            School of International Service        
            American University
            4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
            Washington, DC 20016-8071
            Tel: 202-885-1672
            Email: sisfacultysearch@american.edu

American University is a private institution located in the nation’s capital.  For more information about American University, visit www.american.edu.

Established in 1957, American University’s School of International Service (SIS) produces cutting edge research addressing the world’s most pressing challenges and trains the next generation of global leaders.  Our programs aim to foster a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world.

A top ten school of international relations located in Washington, DC, SIS provides opportunities for research, professional training, public service, and internships in the nation’s capital and around the world.

SIS is guided by the principle that present and future global challenges necessitate the collaboration of a wide range of disciplines, and that students gain from these varied perspectives in the classroom and through their research and studies at the school and beyond.

Learn more about SIS at www.american.edu/sis.