Conflict Prevention & Peacebuilding Consultant

Jun 12, 2014 | UNDP

The UNDP Pacific Centre based in Suva, Fiji supports the work of UNDP Country Offices in 15 Island Country States of the Pacific as well as managing the implementation of a range of national, regional and sub-regional initiatives in support of the Pacific Plan. The Pacific Centre covers initiatives in: conflict prevention and peacebuilding, disaster recovery, climate change adaptation, democratic governance, MDG achievement, and poverty reduction, including working on HIV, environment, alternative energy and financial inclusion.

Current Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding projects aims to develop institutional capacities; strengthen capacities of civil society; facilitate information and knowledge sharing; support policy formulation; and mainstream conflict prevention into national and regional frameworks.

Under the supervision of the Acting Team Leader (P4) of the Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Team, the Consultant will be responsible for providing high quality research, informed policy advice, program support and technical assistance on conflict prevention, local level governance and Pacific Centre management, UNDP Country Offices and Regional Organizations in the Pacific. This includes contributing to the development of UNDP policy and practice on Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding in the Pacific region, including sharing best practices and codifying these in appropriate knowledge products to be disseminated to key stakeholders.

Duties and Responsibilities:


  • Provide policy, analytical and technical advisory services (policy advisory/programme management/technical support) to the UNDP Multi/Country (M/COs) in the Pacific region in the development and implementation of peacebuilding and conflict prevention programmes;
  • Supports the Acting Team Leader (P4) in the development of strategic partnership and entry points with relevant stakeholders for peacebuilding and conflict prevention programmes;
  • Facilitates knowledge management and capacity development related to new areas of practice in conflict prevention and peacebuilding;
  • Performs programme and resources management functions.

Supports UNDP PC work in natural resources management and extractive industries:

  • Support the development of a new PC wide Project Document on managing extractive industries for better human development outcomes;
  • Liaise and support governments, local non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations and formulate strategies and projects for UNDP to strengthen cross-sectoral engagement and dialogue around extractive;
  • Support governments in the designing participatory approaches for developing legislation, policy and planning frameworks; supporting greater transparency and community consultation and engagement in decision making at all stages of the extraction project;
  • Promote more transparent environmental, human rights and social impact assessments and conflict-risk analyses framework; and support strengthening of grievance/recourse mechanisms with ADR components were possible

Location: Suva, Fiji

Application Deadline: June 25th 2014

Additional Category: Democratic Governance

Type of Contract: Individual Contract

Post Level: International Consultant

Languages Required: English

Starting Date: July 1st 2014

Duration of Assignment: 6 months