Women's Protection and Empowerment Manager
International Rescue Committee
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The Women’s Protection and Empowerment (WPE) Manager will support IRC’s partners in Haiti to set up new or strengthen existing responses for women, girls, including survivors of gender-based violence (GBV); provide supportive supervision and field visits to oversee and support the work of GBV prevention and response partner staff within; and ensure technical support and supervision to guide implementation of GBV prevention and response emergency activities. The WPE Manager will ensure that WPE and GBV prevention and response interventions are delivered in close coordination with other GBV actors in Haiti. Position objectives:• To support the design and delivery of WPE and GBV prevention and response programming, in line with needs, priorities, and best practices for protecting crisis-affected populations• To provide training, supervision, and ongoing support to the IRC and partner staff responsible for GBV prevention and response • To coordinate with other GBV prevention and response agencies on case management, psychosocial support, and emergency preparedness and response activities