Gender, Natural Resources, Climate, and Peace | |
Issue #43 – September 1, 2015 |
EventsFor more upcoming events on environmental peacebuilding, please visit our online calendar of events. 24th World Congress of Political Science July 23, 2016 - 2016-07-28 International Political Science Association Istanbul, Turkey The 2016 World Congress will focus on "Politics in a World of Inequality.Third Al-Moumin Distinguished Lecture on Environmental Peacebuilding: Liz Alden Wily October 6, 2015 American University, ELI, and UNEP Washington, DC Liz Alden Wily will deliver the Third Al-Moumin Distinguished Lecture on Environmental Peacebuilding, entitled, "Communities & the State: Getting the Property Relationship Right for a Safer 21st Century.Webcast: Mining the Disclosures 2015: A Guide to Conflict Minerals Reporting in Year Two September 22, 2015 Source Intelligence Online The 2015 edition of Mining the Disclosures: An Investor Guide to Conflict Mineral Reporting by Responsible Sourcing Network (RSN) will be a much-anticipated deep analysis of filings by more than 1,200 companies to the U.…Screening of "Saving Mes Aynak" September 15, 2015 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Washington, DC Saving Mes Aynak, a 2014 award-winning Kartemquin documentary film, chronicles one Afghan archaeologist’s fight to save a 5,000-year-old Buddhist site from ruin. |
LibraryIn the last two weeks, 47 new publications were added to our online library of materials on environmental peacebuilding. Here is a sampling of the new additions: January 1, 2015 | Carlo Koos and Jan Pierskalla A large qualitative literature on violent conflict in Nigeria has identified the importance of oil production and ethnicity as salient factors in understanding violence, especially in the oil-rich Niger Delta.Poor Institutions, Rich Mines: Resource Curse in the Origins of the Sicilian Mafia January 1, 2015 | Paolo Buonanno, Ruben Durante, Giovanni Prarolo, and Paolo Vanin With weak law-enforcement institutions, a positive shock to the value of natural resources may increase demand for private protection and opportunities for rent appropriation through extortion, favouring the emergence of mafia-type organisations.The Resource Curse Reconsidered: Cash Crops and Local Violence in Kyrgyzstan January 1, 2015 | Lawrence P. Markowitz It is often noted in resource curse literature that agricultural economies are less conflict-prone than countries managing mobile, high-value resources.The Socioeconomic Determinants of Natural Resource Conflict: Minerals and Maoist Insurgency in India January 1, 2015 | Jonathan Kennedy This article analyzes a unique district-level data set to demonstrate that mineral abundance increased the probably of Maoist insurgency in India over the past three decades.Promoting Climate-Resilient Peacebuilding in Fragile States January 1, 2015 | Alec Crawford, Angie Dazé, Anne Hammill, Jo-Ellen Parry, and Alicia Natalia Zamudio Efforts to help fragile states move onto a path toward stability and sustainability continue to face enormous challenges. Climate change is one of these challenges.Farmland Investments and Water Rights: The Legal Regimes at Stake January 1, 2015 | Makane Moïse Mbengue and Susanna Waltman The rise of foreign investment in farmland over the past decade is partly driven by a search for access to water resources.Reducing the Cultivation of Opium Poppies in Southern Afghanistan January 1, 2015 | Victoria A. Greenfield, Keith Crane, Craig Bond, Nathan Chandler, Jill E. Luoto, Olga Oliker This report identifies a broad range of factors that drive opium poppy cultivation in southern Afghanistan, the locus of opium production in that country, and assesses the positive and negative effects of programs…January 1, 2015 | Natasha White This article addresses the role of natural resources in the protracted conflict between Morocco and Western Sahara.The South China Sea Disputes: Who Owns the Islands and the Natural Resources? January 1, 1978 | Choon‐ho Park Among the numerous border and territorial disputes between China and its neighbors, the Paracel‐Spratly case is the most serious to date.China, Oil, and Asia: Conflict Ahead January 1, 1977 | S. S. Harrison This book presents the first comprehensive report on Peking's carefully non-publicized offshore oil and gas program. |
JobsPlease visit our jobs page to view these positions and other job opportunities. Simons Chair in Disarmament, Global and Human Security September 1, 2015 | Liu Institute of Vancouver The Liu Institute for Global Issues invites applications for the Simons Chair in Disarmament, Global and Human Security at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver) at the Associate or Full Professor level (a…August 30, 2015 | ZOA ZOA is a Christian international NGO, with its head office based in the Netherlands. ZOA operates in fifteen countries on three continents.Colombia: Sustainable Agrobusiness Specialist August 30, 2015 | Finance in Motion Finance in Motion is an asset management firm focused on sustainable development finance.Ethiopia: Community-Based Nutrition August 30, 2015 | UNICEF The first phase of the National Nutrition Programme (NNP) was developed and launched in 2008 in an effort ‘to reduce the burden of malnutrition and its consequences in a harmonized and comprehensive approach,…Iraq: Norwegian Refugee Council August 30, 2015 | Norwegian Refugee Council The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is a non-governmental, humanitarian organization with 60 years of experience in helping to create a safer and more dignified life for refugees and internally displaced people.Afghanistan: International Environmental Negotiations Specialist August 30, 2015 | UNEP Afghanistan is vulnerable to climate change, particularly extreme weather events, including floods and droughts, which adversely affect natural ecosystems, agriculture and community livelihoods. |
International NewsIn the last two weeks, 34 international news items on environmental peacebuilding were posted on our website. The following is a sampling: Bangladesh/India: Enclaves in Bangladesh: Reports of Scuffles over Land Grabbing May 10, 2015 | The Indian Express Days after Parliament ratified the land swap agreement with Bangladesh, there are reports of “law and order” problem over the alleged land grabbing in the Indian enclaves in Bangladesh.DRC: Dodd-Frank’s Misadventures in the Democratic Republic of Congo May 10, 2015 | Tom Burgis, Politico Looking out on the banana plants and cassava shrubs of Central Africa, it was odd to imagine the tentacles of a bank reform bill in the United States stretching all the way here.Iraq: Economist: Ex-PM Maliki Lost Iraq $500bn in Oil May 9, 2015 | Rudaw Economist Adnan Janabi, the former head of the Iraqi parliament's oil and gas committee, has criticized Baghdad's oil policies and laid the blame on ex-prime minister Nouri al-Maliki.DRC: Democratic Republic of the Congo: The Next Emerging Economy? May 7, 2015 | Djenabou Cisse, Global Risk Insights With positive macroeconomic indicators, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is aspiring to be an emerging country by 2030.Kenya: Dozens Killed in Fighting Tied to Cattle Raid May 6, 2015 | New York Times Fifty-four people have been killed in Kenya’s north in fighting that the police say was started by a cattle raid, the Kenya Red Cross said Wednesday.Myanmar: Mass Protest Held Against Mon State Coal Plant Proposal May 5, 2015 | Yen Snaing, The Irrawaddy An estimated 5000 people from villages across Ye Township gathered in Inn Din village on Tuesday morning to protest the Union government’s plan to build a coal-fired power plant in Mon State.Liberia: GROW-Liberia Launches Innovative Agriculture Programme May 4, 2015 | Front Page Africa GROW Liberia officially launches its landmark “Making Markets Work for the Poor” (M4P) agricultural market development programmed on the seventh of May.Timor-Leste: Timor-Leste Welcomes Australia's Return of Spying Documents Seized by Asio May 3, 2015 | Daniel Hurst, The Guardian The Timor-Leste government has praised a decision by the Australian government to return documents about past spying that were at the centre of raids by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (Asio) in 2013.China/South China Sea: China is Building Mobile Islands in the East Sea May 2, 2015 | VietNamNet Bridge In relation to warnings about American experts on China’s manufacturing of a series of "mobile islands" in the East Sea, marine expert Phan Vinh Tri, former Director of Information Technology of the Vietnam…Myanmar: Blood Teak: How Myanmar's Natural Resources Fuel Ethnic Conflicts April 30, 2015 | Jay Benson, The Diplomat On March 30, the government of Myanmar and an umbrella group of 16 ethnic minority groups agreed to a draft agreement for a “nationwide ceasefire” to end decades of conflict in the country’s… |
Blogs & OpinionIn the last two weeks, 11 blogs & opinion pieces on environmental peacebuilding were posted on our website. Following is a sampling: Which States Are Progressive on Conflict and the Environment? August 28, 2015 | Doug Weir The first tentative moves to strengthen legal protection for the environment before, during and after armed conflict are underway – and not before time.Conservation in Conflict Zones: Protecting Peace and Biodiversity in Colombia August 25, 2015 | Brittany Ajroud With a new peace process underway between the Colombian government and leaders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in Cuba, the spotlight is back on this long-troubled South American country.Tin is the Biggest Conflict Mineral: GAO August 21, 2015 | Emily Chasan Tin may pose the biggest challenge for companies looking to rid their supply chains of “conflict minerals” blamed for funding violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.China’s Ongoing Game of Chess in Southeast Asia August 20, 2015 | Eliza King As China continues to expand into a superpower large enough to one day rival the United States, the support and cooperation of Southeast Asian countries is imperative.August 19, 2015 | Thomas Friedman Here’s a bet about the future of Sunni, Shiite, Arab, Turkish, Kurdish and Israeli relations: If they don’t end their long-running conflicts, Mother Nature is going to destroy them all long before they…Decentralisation Key to Ending Water Wars August 19, 2015 | Nipon Poapongsakorn and Nujpanit Narkpitaks Water is the lifeblood of agriculture. It has significant impacts on the livelihood of millions of Thai farmers. |
Compiled by Samantha Bresler, Jonathan Cohen, Aleksandra Egorova, Elizabeth Hessami, Natalia Jiménez Galindo, Laura Mitchell, Matthew Phillips, and Ben Zukowski |
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