Gender, Natural Resources, Climate, and Peace | |
Issue #39 – July 7, 2015 |
EventsFor more upcoming events on environmental peacebuilding, please visit our online calendar of events. Course: Introduction to Water Diplomacy November 9, 2015 - 2015-12-06 United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Online Water is every living organism’s common denominator. Societies depend on it for their own subsistence and growth, and go great lengths to ensure water secure futures.Conference on Conflict, Peace and Natural Resources October 7, 2015 - 2015-10-10 National Committee Commemorations Capitulations 1945 (Wageningen45), Wageningen University and Research Center, and European Network of Places of Peace Wageningen, Netherlands Natural resources often lie at the heart of wars and civil strife.July 16, 2015 Center for Global Development Washington, D.C. As part of their Summer Film Series, The Center for Global Development will be showing the Nigerian oil documentary "Big Men. |
LibraryIn the last two weeks, 57 new publications were added to our online library of materials on environmental peacebuilding. Here is a sampling of the new additions: Flood-Induced Displacement and Civil Conflict January 1, 2015 | Ramesh Ghimire, Susana Fereira, and Jeffrey H. Dorfman Large, catastrophic floods intensify environmental scarcity and can lead to mass displacement from affected areas. The sudden and mass influx of migrants could increase the risk of social tensions in receiving areas.Gender-Sensitivity in Natural Resource Management in Cote d'Ivoire and Sudan January 1, 2015 | Adrienne Stork, Cassidy Travis, and Silja Halle Over the past decade, a wide body of scholarship has emerged on the relationship between violent conflict and natural resources.Global and Regional Mechanisms for Governing the Resource Curse in Africa January 1, 2015 | Gilbert M. Khadiagala International norms around natural resource governance have proliferated in the face of civil wars and feeble state institutions in Africa.Environmental Dimensions of Resilient and Peaceful Societies January 1, 2015 At least 40 percent of all violent conflicts in the last 60 years have been linked to natural resources.Transboundary Water Management and the Climate Change Debate January 1, 2015 | Anton Earle, Ana Elisa Cascao, Stina Hansson, Anders Jägerskog, Ashok Swain, and Joakim Öjendal This book charts approaches which have been taken over the past two decades to promote more effective water management institutions, covering issues of conflict, cooperation, power and law.A New Climate for Peace: Taking Action on Climate and Fragility Risks January 1, 2015 | Lukas Ruttinger, Dan Smith, Gerald Stang, Dennis Tanzler, and Janani Vivekananda Climate change is a global threat to security in the 21st century. We must act quickly to limit the future risks to the planet we share and to the peace we seek.Weather Shocks and Violence against Women in Sub-Saharan Africa January 1, 2015 | Sara Cools, Martin Flatø, and Andreas Kotsadam This study uses variation in rainfall to study how extreme shocks to income affect intimate partner violence in Sub-Saharan Africa.January 1, 2015 | Fidel Bafilemba and Sasha Lezhnev Conflict gold remains a major obstacle to peace and a driver of the black market economy in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.Fighting Windmills in Eastern Congo? The Ambiguous Impact of the 'Conflict Minerals' Movement January 1, 2015 | Ben Radley and Christoph Vogel The artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is currently undergoing rapid reform of its governance structure as a result of multiple national, regional and…January 1, 2015 | Michelle Kooy, Leni Wild, and Nathaniel Mason Interventions across all sectors in fragile states are called to contribute to tackling conflict and fragility despite the lack of evidence on how/if this is possible.“Yes to Peace”? Environmental Peacemaking and Transboundary Conservation in Central America January 1, 2015 | Karina Barquet The use of transboundary conservation as tools for improving interstate relations has become a widely supported initiative in nature conservation.January 1, 2015 | Michael Keating and Oli Brown Disputes over natural resources – such as land, fresh water, minerals or fishing rights – are ubiquitous.Natural Resources and Gender in Conflict Settings January 1, 2015 | Holly Dunn and Richard Matthew Over the past fifty years, analyses of world affairs have been steadily enriched by thinking through the core issues of justice and ethics, trade and development, and violent conflict and peace from the…January 1, 2015 | Brendan Bromwich Darfur has been widely used as a case study by both those arguing for causality between environmental scarcity and war and those disputing it.The Political Economy of Water Management in Yemen: Conflict Analysis and Recommendations January 1, 2014 Yemen is one of the poorest countries in the Arab region and is faced with political instability. |
JobsPlease visit our jobs page to view these positions and other job opportunities. Artisanal Gold Programme Officer July 1, 2015 | Partnership Africa Canada Partnership Africa Canada (PAC) has been working on the question of responsible natural resource governance in Africa for over 15 years, combining a search for innovative solutions with their successful implementation.Sierra Leone: Climate Change Consultant June 28, 2015 | USAID USAID’s Leveraging Economic Opportunities (LEO) Project has commissioned value chain assessments for horticulture, maize (food and feed), legumes/pulses (plant-based protein, food and feed), and animal protein in Sierra Leone, with a focus on…Sierra Leone: Short Term Climate Change Consultant June 28, 2015 | USAID USAID’s Leveraging Economic Opportunities (LEO) Project has commissioned value chain assessments for horticulture, maize (food and feed), legumes/pulses (plant-based protein, food and feed), and animal protein in Sierra Leone, with a focus on…Democratic Republic of Congo: National Coordinator June 28, 2015 | METI Inc / US Forest Service The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as one of the world’s least developed countries and part of the world’s second largest rainforest ecosystem, presents a critical challenge and opportunity for biodiversity conservation, sustainable…Nepal: Health and Hygiene Manager June 28, 2015 | Splash Our goal in Nepal is to ensure sustainable WASH coverage at 100% of all 650 government schools within the Kathmandu valley by 2019.Afghanistan: Senior International Expert/HPS Mid-Term Evaluation June 28, 2015 | Afghanistan National Horticulture Development Organization Since 2003, The European Union (EU) continues its support to the creation of the required institutional and organizational frameworks for enabling the agriculture sector to finally play the expected role as an engine…Democratic Republic of the Congo: Policy Analyst June 28, 2015 | Enough Project The Policy Analyst for the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Great Lakes region will be responsible for researching and writing about the drivers of conflict and policy options in Congo, as well… |
International NewsIn the last two weeks, 25 international news items on environmental peacebuilding were posted on our website. The following is a sampling: Nile River: Nile Musicians Urge Cooperation, Not Conflict, in Battle Over Water Rights March 19, 2015 | Renee Lewis, Al Jazeera A collective of musicians from 11 Nile basin countries performed in New York City on Thursday night in a bid to demonstrate the need for cross-border cooperation — and to encourage people in Nile…South Sudan: S. Sudan’s Kiir Says Farming Will Address Economic Hardship March 19, 2015 | South Sudan South Sudan’s president, Salva Kiir has advised citizens to turn to farming in order to address the country’s economic hardship, worsened by the ongoing conflict.Food Security: Report: Conflict, Climate Affect Food Security March 19, 2015 | Joe DeCapua, Voice of America The International Food Policy Research Institute has released its Global Food Policy Report. IFPRI Director-General Shenggen Fan listed some of the accomplishments of last year. “We have achieved some progress.Iraq: Iraq May Issue $5 Billion Bonds, to Pay Oil Firms Soon: Minister March 18, 2015 | Maggie Fick, Reuters Iraq is considering an international issue of $5 billion worth of five-year, U. S.Iraq: French Graft Trial Over Iraq 'Oil for Food' Programme March 18, 2015 | Dunya News Fourteen companies, including Renault Trucks and Legrand, went on trial Wednesday, accused of siphoning off cash to Saddam Hussein s Iraqi regime during the "oil for food" programme.Conflict Minerals: Catholic Aid Network Urges European Action on Conflict Minerals March 17, 2015 | Catholic Sentinel An international consortium of Catholic aid agencies charged that European businesses are causing suffering and death by importing minerals from regions of the world experiencing armed conflict.Timor-Leste: Government Will Not Give Up in Dispute Over Oil, Maritime Boundary March 17, 2015 | Australian Broadcasting Corporation Australia and Timor-Leste are currently locked in a standoff over the maritime boundary between the two countries, which determines who is entitled to what share of that resource.South China Sea: U.S. Navy Urges Southeast Asian Patrols of South China Sea March 17, 2015 | Sharon Chen, Bloomberg The commander of the U. S.India: How Coal Fuels India’s Insurgency March 16, 2015 | Anthony Loyd, National Geographic The gunman at the jungle’s edge lived and died by different names. Some knew him as Prashant, others as Paramjeet.Iraq/Kurdistan: Kurdish Oil Deal with Baghdad Unravels as Tensions Rise March 13, 2015 | Isabel Coles, Rania El Gamal, and Dmitry Zhdannikov, Reuters A four-month-old oil deal between Iraq and the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region is close to unraveling after payments from Baghdad dried up, prompting Arbil to threaten to sue buyers and ramp up independent oil…Iraq: Iraq’s Continuing Struggle with Conflict Pollution March 12, 2015 | Wim Zwijnenburg, Insight on Conflict While Iraq is still recovering from the environmental impact of both Gulf wars, it now faces new environmental problems caused by the current conflict against the Islamic State (IS). |
Blogs & OpinionIn the last two weeks, 6 blogs & opinion pieces on environmental peacebuilding were posted on our website. Following is a sampling: Collateral Damage Estimates and the Acceptability of Attacks on Industrial Sites July 3, 2015 | Doug Weir The deliberate or inadvertent damage or destruction of industrial facilities during conflict has the potential to cause severe environmental damage and create acute and long-term risks to civilians.July 1, 2015 | Peter Schwartzstein This port city in southern Iraq is not an easy place to love.Thailand and Sri Lanka Show How Disasters Can be Catalysts of Fragility or Opportunities for Peace June 26, 2015 | Lukas Ruttinger In 2011 Thailand was hit by unprecedented monsoon rains far above the average rainfall of the previous 30 years. Two million people across 26 provinces were affected.Proposed EU Law to Help in Fight against Conflict Minerals June 26, 2015 | Kristen Moran Mining Weekly reported that campaigner Emily Norton from the nongovernmental organisation Global Witness conflict minerals believed that the proposed European Union (EU) conflict minerals law will help make responsible sourcing a natural part of doing business in… |
Compiled by Samantha Bresler, Elizabeth Brown, Liz Hessami, Joyce Lombardi, Bethany Pereira, Matthew Phillips, and Ben Zukowski |
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